WEP: A Grave Mistake

A wail pierced the sombre silence of the graveyard. She continued sobbing, the tears wetting the newly-placed slab on the unmarked grave.

It had been almost a month since their grand-uncle had passed, but Anna was adamant to continue the family tradition of crying your eyes out during a funeral.

“Akka*, why are you crying here?”

“Just like her to be late,” she thought, wiping away a tear, just the way they did in the movies. “To pay my respects, of course. It’s why we’re both here.”

“But Uncle Peter was buried three rows ahead.”

*Akka means elder sister in Tamil.

Word Count 95 : FCA

This month’s WEP theme is Grave Mistake. What’s yours?

32 responses to “WEP: A Grave Mistake”

  1. Ha, ha Bernadette, precious.


    1. C. Lee McKenzie Avatar

      Agree. Short and fun!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi,
    Beautiful. She’d even forgot where he was buried.

    Shalom aleichem


    1. Yup, she was too busy ‘grieving’


  3. Ha ha. Too funny. Thanks for sharing.


  4. Her grief was a real hoot. Thanks for sharing such a lighthearted short piece Bernadette! A ‘grave mistake’ indeed!


    1. Thanks for reading Denise 🙂


  5. Wonderful depiction of ostentatious grief.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Oops, grieving with pretend tears would blind you to the fact you’re in the wrong place. Too funny!


    1. Never thought about it that way 🤔


  7. Grief doesn’t care if You’ve got the location right. A sweet short story.


    1. Thanks Nancy. Though I sometimes wonder what the actual relatives of the person at whose grave she was crying would think if they saw it.


  8. Hi Bernadette – a woman of pretensions … wonderful read – thank you! Take care -Hilary


  9. That made me laugh out loud. A neat take on the prompt. Brilliantly done in a teeny tiny wordcount.


  10. Hahahah… loved it 🙂 Short and very sweet. Well done.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. As usual, you share a short and brilliant piece! She quite literally made a grave mistake! Thanks for sharing!

    Liked by 1 person

  12. LOL, now that is a “grave mistake.” Perfect.


  13. A superb vignette that captures the challenge’s theme fantastically. Well done, Bernadette.


  14. Rebecca Douglass Avatar
    Rebecca Douglass

    Marvelous! I almost stopped at the first line, so glad I continued to find it was a pretty funny little story!


  15. This is great, and reminds me of a story: when my dad died, a couple of my friends said they’d be at the service, they’d meet me at the funeral home. I waited and waited, and wouldn’t let the service begin till they got there. Finally they showed up, and things proceeded. They apologized because they’d gone to the other funeral home a few blocks away…they’d been sitting in a pew there until one of them said, “I didn’t realize her dad was That Old”…checking the name, they realized they were paying respects to some other guy 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oooh. That would’ve been embarrassing. Good thing they realised their mistake. Thanks for sharing.


      1. It was a light moment in the day 🙂


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