Once Again

She covered her face with her hands as tears poured through her fingers. She had been so sure this time.

“No use crying over spilt milk,” she muttered as she crumpled the rejection letter and aimed for the nearby dustbin. Then changed her mind and filed it away. She straightened the knick-knacks on her desk with a determined sigh.

“Time to go back to the drawing board.”

This image looks like a dream WFH set-up.😄

The photo prompt has been given by Jennifer Pendergast at the Friday Fictioneers hosted by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields and the word prompt (Milk) has been given for the Six Sentence Stories hosted by Denise Farley.

42 responses to “Once Again”

  1. Ah, the rejection letters. I’ve been trying to get back into the (paid) working world so I know all about those. The only thing worse is not hearing back at all.
    It’s my son’s new homework set up, but thanks for saying it looks like a dream. I hope it helps him to feel comfortable enough to focus.


    1. It does look comfy and focus-friendly 🙂
      In the advertising world, sometimes not hearing back from the client seems better than the umpteen rejections/changes.


  2. It was not meant to be. Next time, hopefully.


    1. I have my fingers crossed 🤞🏻


  3. I think it’s a wonderful space for doing homework 🙂


  4. If at first you don’t succeed… etc. Good stuff, nice take on the photo


    1. Thank you 🙂 Glad you enjoyed it.


  5. May she get an acceptance letter someday soon.


  6. Hopefully she doesn’t take the rejection personally and can carry on – looks like she will. Good story!


    1. She’s a WIP (pun intended 😉)

      Liked by 1 person

  7. She’s got a winning attitude. Good one, that is, good two-fer.


  8. On the plus side, what a tidy inspiring workspace she has! Enjoyed this 🙂


    1. Glad you did 😀 Kudos to Jennifer too for keeping that space tidy 😅

      Liked by 1 person

  9. fall down seven, stand up eight! nice six!


  10. Dear Bernadette,

    Those rejection letters are part of the process aren’t they? Glad she’s choosing to press on.




    1. After all, try, try till you succeed is inspiring. (I’m pretty sure I heard this statement in a story but can’t remember its name 🤔)


  11. Good for her, deciding to move forward. Well done.


  12. Most successful writers could wallpaper a small office with those first rejection slips, or so I’ve been told. I hope she keeps going.


    1. She is. And is just as determined as ever.


  13. Isn’t that the way of life for a writer? Rejection stabs deep but creativity always rises above and gets started on the next draft.


    1. Yes, I love how you described it in a nutshell 😀


  14. I admire how quickly she recovers from rejection.


    1. When there’s a long way ahead, you do need a quick start.

      Liked by 1 person

  15. when the going gets tough, the tough get going. hang in there.


    1. Still going strong… 👍🏻

      Liked by 1 person

  16. I like her resilience. Good character.


  17. I like how she decides to keep the letter. It’s all part of the learning process, and part of her journey. Good story, and one that I’m sure we can all relate to. Rejection is part of life, at times, even though it doesn’t always come in a letter. We have to deal with it and move on.


    1. It’s still hurtful however it arrives 😢 Moving on is the only option though

      Liked by 1 person

  18. Absolutely no point in crying over a rejection – I’ve had dozens. There’s be more if I hadn’t gone the self publishing route!


    1. I guess that’s what makes self-publishing so popular 🤔


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