Sailing into the Sunset & Beyond

Consequences of sailing into the sunset…

“How about you take a turn at the steering?”

“I would… But I don’t know the way and it’s too dark to see where we’re going.”

“Like I can tell the direction we’re going in; there’s water all around.”


“It would’ve been better had we ridden into the sunset instead.”

The photo prompt has been given by Brenda Cox at the Friday Fictioneers hosted by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields and the word prompt (Consequences) has been given for the Six Sentence Stories hosted by Denise Farley.

18 responses to “Sailing into the Sunset & Beyond”

  1. Of course, had they ridden into the sunset, they would have been saddlesore by now. Fun story


    1. You never know the pitfalls until you try 🙃


  2. Haha – they should get so uptight, just go with the flow 😊


    1. I doubt they have a choice anymore 🙃

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Good point. It’s better to ride into the sunset than sail into it.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Yes, that’s a much better idea. 🙂


  5. Dear Bernadette,

    It’s always easier to look back and realize what you should’ve done, isn’t it? Nicely done.




  6. They’re in for an adventure whether they want it or not, aren’t they.


  7. I think their navigation plan fell apart afterdeck. Better drop anchor and have a beer until the next sunset.


    1. Assuming they’ve packed some 🙂


  8. But—if they’re sailing into the sunset, then they know their direction, right? Or maybe the bigger problem is that they don’t know the direction from which they started 🙂


    1. Most likely the 2nd one 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  9. It’s disorienting to be in or on unfamiliar turf after dark. I hope the harbor lights guide them home.


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